MOM collaboration


Good morning, friends. Today I bring you my FAVORITE photo shoot to date. In the 4 years I’ve been blogging, I’ve never felt more love, acceptance and support than I did during this shoot. I think I know why so I’ll share with you what I know now and what I have learned along the way…

MOTHERHOOD. Lets talk about it for a second. I always knew I wanted to become a mom, but I had NO CLUE how much it would change me. I have had more sleepless nights, more worry and more anxiety than I ever experienced before. In fact, I used to consider myself a pretty laid back person. Once you become a mother though, things change drastically. I also have never felt more love, pride and joy than I do now on the best of days with my kids and family. Some days I want to throw in the towel, but I always cry it out and get back up to do my job. I’m raising little humans and that’s something to be proud of. The other women in this shoot are also moms. They get it. They know how hard it is to work, be a parent, let alone find time for ourselves. Self care comes in many forms, and for me, this was it! It doesn’t always mean going to a spa. It means finding people who make you feel like the best version of yourself and doing something together. For us, it was creating these photos.

FASHION. Fashion and blogging have quickly become where I feel like my most authentic self. Starting a blog and talking about self expression through clothing/styling has become a huge part of my life and it lifts my spirits. Connecting with others through this journey has turned out to be the best thing for me. I have met these lovely women through this industry since moving back to Seattle, and I feel like each one of them was meant to come into my life!

RISK TAKING. This is a big hurdle that I am happy to say I am attempting to do more of. I have NEVER in my life taken a risk and regretted it. Every single time I’ve reached out to someone (whether it’s through social media or a networking group) I’m always glad I did and each connection has turned into a true friendship. I know it’s scary, but my best piece of advice is to listen to that tiny voice in your head that’s saying, “go for it!” You will not regret it and you’ll become a better person in the process.

CANCER. I haven’t touched base on this a ton as I’ve tried to respect the privacy of my family, but seeing my dad go through this battle has also changed me. It’s forced me to look at life and realize you HAVE to go for your dreams. What are we all truly waiting for? Time is not guaranteed. Remember the important things. Tell people you love them. Cut out people in your life that don’t make you feel like you can conquer the world. Time is passing and all we have is now.

I’m so grateful for the challenges I’ve endured. I truly think they have made me a better person and I’m so happy for this journey. Life can knock you down, but having kindred spirits by your side makes it all worth it.

Demri, thank you for helping us all to feel alive, supported, beautiful and loved. And Alex, thank you for sharing your beautiful space with us!!!

Photography: Demri Rayanne Photography

Location: The banana stand

Models: Sydney Mintle, Karla Melgarejo Ibanez and Melody Todd