Dear Winnie


Our Winston turns 6 tomorrow!!  I blinked and he grew up so fast, and now he's nearing the end of Kindergarten.  I want to enjoy every moment because I know I'll blink again, and he'll be off to college. 

You know what's funny?  I was telling a friend last night how when we left the ultrasound, (and had just found out we were having a boy) I immediately started crying.  My mind went to the craziest boys I knew.  I thought of loud, rough, crazy boys with a million times more energy than I knew I could handle!

I honestly cried for days because I just didn't feel cut out to be a "boy mom."  Then our Winston West showed up.  He was born on my grandmother Mary West's birthday, which was just TOO perfect because my middle name is West, and we had already chosen to use West for him as well!  So an April 14th birthday was just the great start we needed.   

He has proven me wrong in every way.  He is a kind, gentle, sweet boy and I am so proud to be his mom.  He has a great sense of humor (which is a Dunbar requirement) and makes me laugh constantly.  Sometimes when I am tucking him in and we're snuggling in bed, we have the best time and just laugh so hard together.  He also is the sweetest little care taker when I'm not feeling well or am sad.  I don't know what our family would do without him!

Photos by Tiffany Redmon Photography