Our Win is 4!


Dear Winston, Win, Winnie,

You had our hearts from the second you were born.  I'm pretty sure your big sister Mae loved you before she had even met you.  You make our family complete and we are so lucky to have you along for this crazy journey.  Age 3 has been quite a ride, but we've made it through, and are stronger and closer because of it.  I am so proud of the sweet, loving boy you are becoming.  I love that you kiss and hug us every day and night.  I love that your favorite color is yellow.  I love that you color so carefully and stay inside the lines.   I love that you ask to hear Taylor Swift in the car.  I promise to be the best mom that I can be for you, to sit with you at soccer for as long as you need, and to give you extra kisses if you need them before you walk into preschool.  You are my world and my best friend, and even though I sometimes put you in time out, it's because I love you and want you to be a good person.  I promise to always be your biggest cheerleader, no matter how tired or frustrated I am, because I am your mom.  And I'm proud to be your mom.  I love you! Happy 4th birthday, Batman.


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