The bodysuit is back


I remember wearing bodysuits back in my early teen years.  Anything that was hip and fashionable I had to have, but back then I think they were mostly short sleeved with some kind of all 90's striped/grungy/plaid pattern.  Am I right?  But the bodysuit is back....and better than ever!  I feel like every trend that makes its way around again is always better the second time.  Updated and more simple.  I just bought one that is a crew neck, long sleeved, simple and classic.  A plus...I don't have to worry about my stomach or sides showing when I lean over to pick up a kid or tie my shoe! Honestly, anyone who has this issue and doesn't love their middle section will agree that this new option is amazing.  It sort of smooths everything out like when you're wearing spanx.  I am excited to try this trend once again and hopefully it's here to stay.  I love new fresh clothing trends that come along that not only look cute but make me FEEL confident and comfortable. 

Here is the one I recently purchased:

Here are a few others: